Welcome to the York Fitness Blog

Let York Fitness be your guide on your fitness journey. We’ve created this blog section on our website to give our valued customers heaps of tips & tricks; news and fun fitness stuff. Your ‘go to’ destination for everything fitness.
Let’s get active. Let’s get fit.
You’ve invested in a brand spanking new treadmill – from York Fitness ideally 😀 Congratulations on taking the first step of your fitness journey.
We understand people have busy work & life schedules which gets in the way of making the most out of your treadmill. So, if you’re short on time, but still want to achieve a workout that burns plenty of calories, here are a couple of quick and effective (and also fun!) workouts you can easily do on your treadmill.
1) 30 Second Sprint Intervals (Total treadmill time: 30 minutes):
• Set the treadmill at a 1% incline. Start by walking at an easy pace for one minute. Continue warming up with an easy jog for 5 minutes.
• Pick up the pace to a hard effort (heavy breathing) for 30 seconds. Recover with 90 seconds of easy jogging.
• Repeat the sprint/recovery intervals 9 more times (18 minutes total).
• Finish with a 4-minute cool-down at an easy pace – easy jog or brisk walk.
2) Calorie-Blasting Pyramid Workout (Total treadmill time: 30 minutes):
• This workout combines running and walking intervals and burns a ton of calories.
• Set the treadmill incline at 1% and start with a 3-minute warm-up of easy jogging or brisk walking. Then do the following intervals:
– 30-sec medium-paced running/30-sec walk
– 1-min medium-paced running/1-min walk
– 2-min medium-paced running/1-min walk
– 3-min medium-paced running/1-min walk
– 4-min medium-paced running/1-min walk
– 3-min hard running/1-min walk
– 2-min hard running/1-min walk
– 1-min hard running/1-min walk
– 30-sec hard running/30-sec walk
• Finish with a 2-minute cool-down of easy jogging or brisk walking.
Workout tips courtesy of verywellfit.com
Shopping for a new treadmill? Check out the York Fitness treadmill range.